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From Skilled Attorneys

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Indiana Chapter’s Woman of the Year!

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2016 | Firm News |

UPDATE:  March 7, 2016. We did it together. Since you put up $5,000 our firm is matching it in the fight against this horrible disease with a few hours to spare in our challenge. We could not have done it without our clients, employees, friends, colleagues, and family. $10,000 to fight Leukemia & Lymphoma. If you did not donate you still can at 

UPDATE. As of 11 pm March 5 we have 80% of our challenge.  Please help us in the Indianapolis Leukemia & Lymphoma fund drive. 

 As I type this post someone is being diagnosed with a blood cancer, and too often these diagnoses are young children. To help change this statistic, my wife Jessica Aldridge has accepted the nomination to participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Man & Woman of the Year campaign. I am honored to be a member of her team and be a part of funding better treatments and cures for this disease. We have entered a 10-week fundraising competition where every dollar counts!

How can you help? It’s simple. Please click on this link HERE! and make a donation to our team’s fundraising. All donations are confidential and tax deductible. And even more exciting is that Richard A. Mann, P.C. has agreed to match dollar for dollar all donations made through that link up to $5,000.00!!  You can double your donation without having to lift a finger thanks to his generous offer!  So please consider helping us raise as much money as we can to help combat this terrible family of cancers.

I genuinely appreciate your support in donating to this incredible cause. Over the past 65 years LLS has donated over $1 BILLION dollars to innovative cancer research and the results are proven! Lives are being saved, but there is still work to do. No donation is too large or too small.  Please feel free to forward this on to other friends and family as we would appreciate any and all support for this cause.
