April 8, 2016, is another important day in the
fight for equal rights for same-sex couples.
On behalf of eight (8) same-sex married couples who are seeking to have both
of their names on the birth certificate of their children born during the
marriage, Megan Gehring and Richard Mann of our firm along with attorneys from
3 other firms will present argument before the US District Court for the
Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
fight for equal rights for same-sex couples.
On behalf of eight (8) same-sex married couples who are seeking to have both
of their names on the birth certificate of their children born during the
marriage, Megan Gehring and Richard Mann of our firm along with attorneys from
3 other firms will present argument before the US District Court for the
Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
At the hearing, on behalf of our clients,
legal argument will be presented to the court.
The State of Indiana takes the position that such children of a birth
mother who has been artificially inseminated by a third party sperm donor,
married to another woman is considered a child to be born out of wedlock and only
has one parent. In contrast, the
opposite-sex spouse of the birth mother who was artificially inseminated is
listed on the birth certificate and the child and has two parents.
legal argument will be presented to the court.
The State of Indiana takes the position that such children of a birth
mother who has been artificially inseminated by a third party sperm donor,
married to another woman is considered a child to be born out of wedlock and only
has one parent. In contrast, the
opposite-sex spouse of the birth mother who was artificially inseminated is
listed on the birth certificate and the child and has two parents.
The State further argues that Same-sex couples must go through the expensive procedure of adoption in order for the same-sex spouse to the the same rights granted to a man married to a woman without an adoption even when the man is not the biological father of the child conceived through artificial insemination.
In 2014, our firm was one of the firms who successfully challenged Indiana discriminatory law banning same-sex marriages, allowing same-sex couples the same rights to marry as opposite-sex couples.