) SS:
IN THE _____________ COURT
CAUSE NUMBER: _________________
, )
Petitioner/Plaintiff, )
and )
__________-__, )
Notice of remote Appearance
Comes now ___________________,
and respectfully notifies the court that she/he shall appear for the
hearing/conference presently scheduled in this court by teleconference or any
other remote system allowed by the court for said /conference/hearing and in
support of the notice states:
and respectfully notifies the court that she/he shall appear for the
hearing/conference presently scheduled in this court by teleconference or any
other remote system allowed by the court for said /conference/hearing and in
support of the notice states:
On March 16, 2020, the Indiana Supreme Court entered an
order entitled In the Matter of Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for
Indiana Trail Courts Relating to the 2019 Novel, Coronavrus (COVID19), that “9.
Allowing any attorney wishing to appear remotely (e.g., through teleconference
systems, etc.) for any status conference or non-evidentiary hearing without
further leave of court upon filing a “Notice of Remote Appearance” in the court
in which the matter will be heard.
On March 16, 2020, the Indiana Supreme Court entered an
order entitled In the Matter of Administrative Rule 17 Emergency Relief for
Indiana Trail Courts Relating to the 2019 Novel, Coronavrus (COVID19), that “9.
Allowing any attorney wishing to appear remotely (e.g., through teleconference
systems, etc.) for any status conference or non-evidentiary hearing without
further leave of court upon filing a “Notice of Remote Appearance” in the court
in which the matter will be heard.
This matter is currently scheduled for a ______________ conference/hearing on the
____ day of _________, 2020 at ____. M.
This matter is currently scheduled for a ______________ conference/hearing on the
____ day of _________, 2020 at ____. M.
The undersigned desires to appear by video conference
or telephone conference for said hearing and pursuant to the Emergency order
said request is granted without leave of court.
The undersigned desires to appear by video conference
or telephone conference for said hearing and pursuant to the Emergency order
said request is granted without leave of court.
The undersigned may be reached at ___-___-______.
The undersigned may be reached at ___-___-______.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard A. Mann
Richard A. Mann
I certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document using the
Indiana E-filing System (IEFS) and that the foregoing document was served upon
the following person(s) using the IEFS system on the service contact entered in
the IEFS on the date shown in the IEFS system as the filed or served date.
Indiana E-filing System (IEFS) and that the foregoing document was served upon
the following person(s) using the IEFS system on the service contact entered in
the IEFS on the date shown in the IEFS system as the filed or served date.
Richard A. Mann
Richard A. Mann
Parenting Coordinator
Richard A. Mann
Attorney No. 9864-49
3750 Kentucky Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46221-2700
FAX: (317) 388-5622