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From Skilled Attorneys

Risks Of Signing For A Driver’s License

Parents, Grandparents and Guardians of children need to be especially aware of the result of a recent Indiana court of Appeals decision. In Motorists Mutual Insurance Company v. Wroblewski, decided January 13, 2009, the court ruled that the grandparent who had signed for her grandchild’s driver’s license. As such, the grandparent was strictly liable for any automobile accident the child was responsible for until the child’s 18th birthday. The child was in an accident and was found 100% at fault. Then a judgment was entered against the grandmother for $100,000. She sought to have her auto insurance pay the judgment. The appellate court found that her insurance was not liable as it the vehicle was owned separately by the child and was not a listed vehicle on her policy.

Many people are not aware that when they sign for a minor’s driver’s license they are strictly liable for the child’s automobile accidents. You should seek independent legal advice if you are going to do so and make sure that child and the child’s vehicle are listed as insured on your vehicle insurance coverage.

As with all other information contained on this website, you should not consider this legal advice and you should seek advice from a lawyer. Appointments may be arranged to discuss the matter with our lawyers but no advice will be given by email.